South Bay Maintenance Facility (SBMF) Electric Bus Concept Visualizations
Chula Vista, CA
The SBMF Electric Bus Concept Visualizations for at the existing Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) SBMF site is the beginning phase of what is to be an update to this facility to accommodate a new fleet of battery-electric buses (BEB) by adding the necessary equipment to provide energy charging, harvesting, and storage. The project is part MTS’s agreement with Transdev Services, Inc. to operate MTS services and facilities in the cities of Chula Vista and El Cajon.
As the Visual Simulation Specialist for this facility improvements project, RE Services team member Jaime Sandoval was responsible for transforming the proposed concept plan into an accurate 3D model to ultimately develop key viewpoints and final visual simulation renderings. Using a combination of modeling and post-production software, Jaime produced simulations that illustrated how the facility and overall site improvements will be updated to a solar energy and electric bus facility. Some of the key elements presented in the graphics included an overhead structure with mounted solar arrays and charging equipment, a multi-level parking structure, and new administrative facilities.
*Prepared by RE Services staff member while with previous employer.